Alyssa│ Studio Stylist│Denver
Hand-tied Hair Extension Specialist
Alyssa brings her energy, empathy, and enthusiasm to her new role as Stylist at Clementine’s LoHi. A graduate of Paul Mitchell The School and a Clementine’s apprentice, Alyssa has loved health and beauty her whole life, often honing her skills on her family and friends. A passionate learner, Alyssa is motivated by her talented coworkers at Clementine’s and the connections she makes with her clients. Alyssa loves all-things-blonde, and is inspired by the versatility of techniques and tricks to blonde treatments that make everyone look beautiful. A Wyoming native, Alyssa spends her spare time either with her cat or seeking sunshine and adventures in the great Colorado outdoors.
Who I work best with: I work best with people who can bring positive energy and are compassionate. I am always down for a good laugh, or a good cry, with my clients!
My favorite part of being a Clemmie is: My favorite part of being a Clemmie is getting the opportunity to work with the most talented stylists. Every day I get the chance to learn something new and apply it to my work!
I feel like my most authentic self when: I feel like my most authentic self when I am surrounded by the people I love and the sun is shining on my face!